Guzek UK
Paramount Network (US)60 min
Good coaches motivate us, inspire us, and teach us the skills to win. However, there is a growing crisis of coaches with uncontrollable anger issues spreading across today's sports landscape. From Bobby Knight to Mike Rice, too many men and women coaching American athletes, of all ages, often cross the line in what is acceptable behavior on the sidelines or in the dugout. Spike TV has brought together NFL legend Ray Lewis and acclaimed anger management specialist and author Dr. Christian Conte to work with nine coaches who have recognized that they need to change their combative and often bombastic ways if they want to continue in the profession they love. The coaches, who come from a variety of different sports from all around the country, move into a Coaching Center in Los Angeles for intense retraining and reconditioning. During the course of the retraining program, various sports figures will lend their perspective on the negative effects of caustic coaching.